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We have updated our terms

We have updated our terms -- please take a look at your earliest convenience. Hi drere,   Please note that we have just updated our Terms and Conditions .   You can read more about these changes by clicking here .   Thank you, The Netlify Team Netlify, 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA , 94104
Postingan terbaru

Deprecation notice: Netlify builds using the Xenial build image will fail after November 15, 2022

Deprecation notice: Netlify builds using the Xenial build image will fail after November 15, 2022 The Netlify build system maintains multiple build images , which set the environment in which your sites build. One or more of your sites is using the "Xenial" image, built on Ubuntu 16.04 ("Xenial Xerus"). Ubuntu Xenial finished its Long Term Support period in 2021 and is no longer supported by Canonical , a 3rd party company that provides official ubuntu support. This means no new bug fixes and security updates, nor new versions of included software.   On November 15, 2022, we will end all support for the Netlify Xenial image. We have identified

Invited: Netlify Power User Series - March 22-24

Deep dive into Jamstack best practices, workflow optimizations, and high-performance features to power up your production web projects. Learn about advanced features and best practices to optimize your web team workflow and applications at scale.    Join technical leaders for this virtual event to dive deep into Jamstack best practices, workflow optimizations, and Netlify high-performance features to power up your production web projects. The Agenda One-hour Sessions: March 22, 23 & 24th

On-demand Builders, Native Next.js support, Twilio's Jamstack story - October 2021 Newsletter

What's new with On-demand Builders, Next.js on Netlify, and more. Check out the Jamstack Conf replay and project of the year. Achieve faster build times and faster page load times with newly updated On-demand Builders Ready to shorten your build times and deliver faster page load speeds for visitors? Now, in the latest iteration of Netlify's On-demand Builders, any content that's built on-demand will persist across all global edge nodes until the